One-Click Mind Map

Breakthrough: Mind Maps

Let AI turn books or documents into mind maps in a single click

Turn any text into a clear mind map

Use AI to extract insights, find logical structure, and create a quick overview from plain text, Word, Excel, PDF, PPT, and all other popular formats.

Snap a photo with your mobile

Revolutionize understanding: transform a photo of a book or any printed document into a comprehensive mindmap. Grasp complex material, recall points by a visual representation, and memorize key details.

Drop a URL...

and let the magic begin. You can quickly understand and remember long web page information by visualizing it in a short map. Highlight key points so you quickly grasp the main ideas.

Or paste anything from the clipboard

You can paste anything and turn it into a mind map. You can even use a global keyboard shortcut to turn the information on your clipboard into a helpful mind map.

Video or voice recording? Sure!

Make a mind map from a video or audio recording of a lesson or a Youtube video. Students can learn more and get ready for tests. Teachers can use lectures to make visual tools. Professionals can pull out the most important parts of a meeting.

Simplicity in mind

Secure and private

The simple interface and easy-to-use features make it easy for people of all tech levels to use, even those who aren't tech-savvy.

Your mindmaps are saved locally on your computer, so you are the only one who can view them. Your information stays private and is only in your hands.

Proven Results

Experience AI Magic: View Real-World Examples Below

(Or explore scientific research that validate the effectiveness of the OneClickMindmap method)

1. URL to Mind Map: Discover how a simple click can transform this webpage into a mind map. Explore different styles. [Click to view]

2. PDF to Mind Map: See how Tim Ferriss's popular "Not-To-Do List" is converted into a mind map. [Click to view]

3. Photo to Mind Map: A page on "The Genius and the Moron" from the "Elements of Psychology" book is converted into a clear mind map. [Click to view]

4. Video to Mind Map: A YouTube video is transformed into a mind map ("Mind map your anxiety chaos to clarity in 3 steps")

Join the AI revolution in mind mapping. Get early access!

How it works

Spend time on what truly matters — learning and understanding, not manually creating a mind map, which takes time.

Our revolutionary AI technology understands the meaning and develops the map structure automatically.

Step into the future:

1. Choose your source: text, PDF, web page URL, photo, video, or audio.

2. Drop it to OneClickMindmap: it develops a mind map by revealing the semantic structure.

3. You have the mind map ready.

4. Use as it is – or edit, copy, export, or send it to your favorite mind map editor, e.g. MindMeister, XMind, Coggle, MindManager, MindNode. All standard formats are supported. 

Contemporary scientific research supporting the OneClickMindmap method:

Vass, Z. (2024). OneClickMindmap (Version 1.0) [Computer software]. Hungarian Science Bibliography: The Database of Hungarian Scientific Publications. Record 34997406.

Erdélyi-Belle, B. (2024). Enhancing scientific research with AI-driven one-click mind mapping: A smart approach to knowledge visualization. In K. Nyíri (Ed.), Envisioning an electrifying future (pp. 69-70). Budapest & Pécs, Hungary: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Pécs. Retrieved from

Get Started

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  • Transform any text into mind map
  • Turn photo into mind map
  • Create mind map from URL, video or audio recording
  • Process documents of any size
  • Choose between map versions
  • Copy-paste, edit, export, or send them to your favorite editor

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OneClickMindmap is a revolutionary tool that uses AI to transform text, URLs, videos, or sound recordings into a mind map with just one click. It saves you time and effort and enhances your understanding and retention of information.

Our AI technology understands the source content and discovers the semantic structure to generate different mind maps. You can review the result and put it to work right away.

Unlike traditional mind mapping tools that require manual input and editing, OneClickMindmap uses AI to generate mind maps from various types of content automatically. This saves you time and effort and allows you to focus on understanding and using the information.

It generates the initial mind map and provides essential editing options. If you require more complex editing or styling, you can always export the map to your favorite mind map editor.

OneClickMindmap can transform dense, complex study materials into clear, logical mind maps. This can reduce your study time, improve your grades, and boost your motivation for learning.

OneClickMindmap can help you organize your various business notes, understand complex tasks, and keep up with your to-dos. You can also use the mind maps in your presentations to make them more engaging and effective.

Our AI technology can understand and process content in multiple languages. However, the quality of the mind maps may vary depending on the language's complexity and the source content's quality.

OneClickMindmap can process any text, including Word, Excel, PDF, PPT, URLs, and even content from your clipboard. It can also process photos of textbook pages, videos, YouTube content, and sound recordings.

Yes, you can copy and paste or export them in various formats. You can also send them to your favorite mind map editor for further tweaks and customizations.

Absolutely. You can share your mind maps with others in various formats. This makes collaboration and sharing of ideas easy and efficient.

Yes, OneClickMindmap works on Mac, Windows, mobile devices, and in a browser. You can use it wherever you are, whenever you need it.

OneClickMindmap uses breakthrough AI technology to understand the underlying meaning of the source content and build the map structure.

We take data security very seriously. All your data is encrypted and securely stored. We do not share your data with any third parties.

We're always ready to assist you. If you need help or have any questions, feel free to reach out to our dedicated customer support team. You can get in touch with us either by filling out our contact form or by directly sending us an email at We look forward to serving you!

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